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How to Cancel ACT Registration

Oct 23, 2022

Are you wondering how to cancel your ACT test registration? Or are you finding trouble canceling the ACT test? Or, you have convinced yourself that you are completely bombed with the college announcement that you will take admitted. Different scenarios, but one solution – Cancel ACT Test.

So, when you have made up your mind, you will be looking for ways to do it next. The answer is – yes, you can cancel ACT test registration, but… Keep on reading to know how to cancel the ACT test and the circumstances you will face if you choose to cancel the test.


What will happen if you choose to cancel the ACT test?

The first question popping up in your mind would be whether you will get the refund or not if you choose to cancel the ACT exam. Well, then the simple answer is – NO. If you wish to cancel your ACT exam, the basic registration fee and other additional service fees, such as test center change, test date change, or late registration, are non-refundable. Moreover, it does not matter whether you take up the test or cancel it. You won’t see the money again after paying the ACT test fee.

Aren’t we going to get no money back? Well, then here’s a piece of some comforting news! You can get a minute portion of your money as the optional service charges are refundable. Optional service charges include 5th and 6th colleges’ score reports, which costs $12 each, test information release, costing $20, and ACT with the optional writing section, costing $16.50. These services are eligible for a refund. Students can find more details about the rebates and services on the ACT website.


Why wait now? Time to get a refund, and here’s how you can do it! Aspirants who wish to get their refund, mail ACT by writing ‘REFUND’ from your not-yet-used ticket. Do not forget to mention ‘REFUND’ in the subject line.

Is there any alternate way? Yes, there’s an alternate way to get the refund. All you have to do is write a letter, stating ‘REFUND’ on the envelope, to ACT, including all the details, such as test date, test option, and the identifying information from which you have registered for the ACT. Next, post this letter to the address – ACT, 301 ACT Drive, PO Box 414, Iowa City, IA 52243-0414, USA – and wait for eight-nine weeks after the test is over to get your refund.


Contenders seeking a refund from the ACT must not forget that ACT does not issue refunds for the previous academic year of testing after July 31st. So, get your refunds before it is too late.

What will happen if you miss the deadline to cancel the ACT test?

What can anyone predict after the deadline of something has passed? In this case, your ACT scores will reach the registered college you listed at the time of ACT registration. And this process will be automatic. So, if you miss the deadline while canceling your supplementary college reports, be ready to see your free ACT scores.


What will you do if you are not happy with the ACT scores that the college has received? Let Score Choice come to rescue you! Score Choice means you get an opportunity to send your superscoring (your top scores from each exam combined to make your single final score) or your best test day scores to the college authorities. Even if you miss the deadline, the consequences will be in your favor.

But will it always be true? Depends from college to college. Most colleges have their admission tests, while a few are test-optional, and others do not allow superscoring or Score Choice options. Consequently, students get diverse opportunities to get admitted to the college of their choice even if they miss the ACT.


Some students might be thinking about canceling their ACT scores after breaking the seal during the ACT exam, wouldn’t they? This is also possible! You can cancel your ACT scores even if you have broken the test seal. All you have to do is, write a letter to ACT or ask your proctor to give you more information on deadlines. After ACT gets to know about this scenario, they will send you an official letter regarding the same. That’s it! Your ACT test scores will be canceled.

How to cancel the ACT test?

The biggest dilemma is canceling an ACT test. But is it possible? Unfortunately, NO! Aspirants cannot cancel their ACT test. However, ACT allows the following changes that you can do rather than canceling your exam:

  • Locate an alternate exam center
  • Choose another exam date
  • Add or remove the optional writing test
  • Update your personal information
  • Add or change your college/university choices
  • Rectify your high school code

Well, these changes do not require any fees for their rectification. At the same time, a few services require payments for making alterations. Aspirants can check the official ACT website for such services.

Some candidates wish to reschedule their ACT test to a new test day. Of course, unexpected and last-minute issues can happen to anyone. Can it be resolved? Does ACT allow a makeup test? Certainly, it does! ACT has multiple centers to choose from. They will notify you by email regarding rescheduling details, including your new date and exam center.


Moreover, if ACT cannot allocate your new test center or the test center is closed, you have to adjust your registration from the website. Furthermore, ACT officials will place you at a closed ACT test center. After this, you will not take the test at your old exam center.

Now, how will you register for your new ACT test center? You need to follow the instructions given on your ACT ticket, which you requested for canceling your test. Alternatively, you can visit the MyACT account to cancel your ACT test registration completely. And a gentle reminder – no refunds will be provided!

Is it possible to change the ACT test date?

We conclude from the above discussion that there’s no good reason to cancel the ACT test. So what to do? The best option is to change the date rather than cancel the entire exam. ACT allows the aspirants to reschedule their test dates. For this, candidates need to log in to their ACT accounts and place a rescheduling request. Moreover, candidates have to pay the rescheduling fee as listed below:

Rescheduling Type Fee
Full ACT (no writing)$55
Full ACT (with writing)$70
Test Option Change$15
Date Change$25

Aspirants can convert the amount into their corresponding country currencies using the present conversion rates. Plus, they must be aware that they must pay both the date change fee and the entire new test fee.

ACT score affect College Admissions

Do you wish to get into a good college or a normal university? While applying, you want to know how you are better than other applicants. On what basis would you do it? Any standardized test? ACT scores! ACT scores let you know where you can position yourself amongst fellow contenders. And certainly, ACT scores affect your admission chances into a well-renowned college.

Though colleges consider several other factors, such as GPA, standardized tests, extracurriculars, and more, they see ACT scores while admitting students into their premises.

Here is the list of ACT scores converted to the equivalent percentile that will help students know how much to score for getting the college of their choice:

ACT Score Percentile

Still, many wonder whether 13, 15, or any other score is a good ACT score or not. What do you think after doing the math from the above table? Frankly, 13 and 15 are not competitive scores. These place you at the bottom of a million competitors who take the ACT test. These scores indicate you lack knowledge in Math, Reading, Science, and most importantly, English. Moreover, it’s very unlikely you would get into a good college. So, pace yourself and score well to get into your dream college.

Ask yourself: Should you really cancel ACT test registration?

Before you choose the ‘no-showing’ option while canceling the ACT test, ask yourself twice, thrice, or maybe more, whether you want to do it or not. You still have the last chance to choose the ‘change the date’ option. There are a certain number of situations when you can cancel the test, such as:

Moreover, you cannot send your scores to the college authorities. So don’t disappoint yourselves with bad scores, as you can always choose not to send them out. Staying relaxed and performing better will only help outreaching your preferred college.

The cancellation of ACT scores does not happen from your side only. You should be aware that ACT can cancel your scores if they suspect cheating or other unfair means. Overall, it makes sense to take the test later rather than cancel it for no reason or lame reasons.

If nothing works, take the bullet and go with the ACT test!

We know the facts regarding ACT’s cancellation policies. Still, if you think about leaving the test, then you are losing two ways – money and chances of getting a good ACT score. Take the ACT! Experience how it is on the first attempt. Suppose it goes well, good for you. If it doesn’t, come back stronger and reach your favorite university. Moreover, procrastination, cancelation, and stress will not get you good scores. But, on the other hand, facing the exam and practicing will help.



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