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AP Scores in College Admissions: Do They Really Matter

Nov 30, 2022

As you complete high school, you are looking toward college admissions. You may find high competition for admission to your dream colleges. Many times you will ask yourself – do colleges look at ap scores? You might try to find some extracurriculars, tests, and courses that might bring you an edge over other candidates during the admission process. 

When it comes to AP exam scores, you might wonder if colleges look up the AP scores or if you are wasting your precious time on AP courses; however, if you have already made efforts in studying, taking AP exams, and thinking that AP scores matter, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss the various aspects of the scores and how useful they might be for securing a seat in a college.


What Impact will your AP Score Bring to your Application for Admission?

It depends on the college to which you are applying. AP scores are not the sole criteria to decide the admission of a candidate to the college. Some colleges have spaces in their application to self-report your AP scores which is mainly an optional requirement that might be asked in your application for admission. 

The college considering AP scores as the factor for admission might segregate the application according to the qualification of the candidates. Due to the high level of competition among the candidates who have undergone various courses and tests like AP exams will be considered superior.


In the case of AP scores, if you have a high AP score, then it might differentiate you from other candidates. If your AP scores are low, it may negatively impact your approval of the admission application, so you must not fill in your AP score in the application if your scores are low. 

Effect of Different AP Scores in the Application

Providing an AP score of 3 or higher will bring a surplus among other candidates and may also bring higher chances of approval of admission applications. If your app provided a very low AP score, like two or less than 2, then this will negatively impact your application, and your application might also get rejected. 


You might also be considered below the candidates who have not provided AP scores in their application. So, you must only report the AP score when they are really good (3 and above 3); if they are below 2, you must not report it in your application.

Order Benefits of AP Scores Despite Admission Procedure

There are many benefits of the AP score. Like other entrance exams and short programs, it adds a level of knowledge to you. In the AP scholar program, there are various honorary awards for the students with a particular grade for scoring 3 + in the AP exam. You get a national AP award. 30 overs may not make any difference in college admission. 


Still, it proves your overall academics. Some of the colleges allow you to receive college credits for extracurricular activities and taste scores like the AP exam also the AP scores are weighted heavily and also can improve your overall GPA some colleges in different states of rewards and other benefits for the students who have taken the AP tests sometimes you can also skip some prerequisite course with your score. As we said earlier, some of the schools may or may not use AP scores for giving extra grades.

Colleges that Use AP Scores for Placement and AP Scores for Giving Credits

Do AP scores matter? Yes, they do! And they will help you get admission to the given list of colleges that accept AP scores for admitting students to their campuses: 

College or UniversityUses APs for placementUses APs for Credit
American UniversityYesYes
Amherst CollegeNoNo
Auburn UniversityNoYes
Bates CollegeNoYes
Baylor UniversityYesYes
Binghamton UniversityNoYes
Boston CollegeYesYes
Boston UniversityYesYes
Bowdoin CollegeYesYes
Brandeis UniversityNoYes
Brown UniversityYesNo
Bucknell UniversityYesYes
Carleton CollegeNoYes
Carnegie Mellon UniversityYesYes
Case Western Reserve UniversityYesYes
Claremont McKenna CollegeNoYes
Clemson UniversityYesYes
Colgate UniversityYesYes
Colorado CollegeYesYes
Colorado State UniversityYesYes
Columbia UniversityYesYes
Cornell UniversityYesYes
Dartmouth CollegeYesYes
Davidson CollegeNoYes
Duke UniversityNoYes
Elon UniversityYesYes
Emory UniversityNoYes
Fairfield UniversityYesYes
Florida State UniversityYesYes
Fordham UniversityYesYes
Furman UniversityNoYes
George Mason UniversityYesYes
George Washington UniversityNoYes
Georgetown UniversityYesYes
Georgia State UniversityNoYes
Georgia TechYesYes
Harvard UniversityYesYes
Harvey Mudd CollegeNoNo
Haverford CollegeNoYes
Indiana UniversityYesYes
Johns Hopkins UniversityYesYes
Lehigh UniversityYesYes
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyYesYes
Middlebury CollegeNoYes
New York UniversityNoYes
North-eastern UniversityYesYes
northwestern UniversityYesYes
Notre DameYesYes
Ohio State UniversityYesYes
Oregon State UniversityNoYes
Pepperdine UniversityYesYes
Pomona CollegeYesYes
Princeton UniversityYesYes
Rice UniversityYesYes
Scripps CollegeNoYes
Smith CollegeNoYes
Stanford UniversityNoYes
Swarthmore CollegeYesYes
Syracuse UniversityYesYes
Texas Christian UniversityYesYes
Tufts UniversityYesYes
Tulane UniversityYesYes
University of AlabamaYesYes
University of California, BerkeleyYesYes
University of California, IrvineYesYes
University of California, Los AngelesYesYes
University of California, San DiegoNoYes
University of California, Santa BarbaraYesYes
University of ChicagoYesYes
University of Colorado – BoulderYesYes
University of FloridaYesYes
University of GeorgiaYesYes
University of MiamiYesYes
University of MichiganYesYes
University of Mississippi (Ole Miss)NoYes
University of North CarolinaYesYes
University of OregonYesYes
University of PennsylvaniaYesYes
University of RichmondYesYes
University of RochesterYesYes
University of South CarolinaYesYes
University of Southern CaliforniaYesYes
University of Texas – AustinYesYes
University of VirginiaYesYes
University of WashingtonYesYes
University of WisconsinYesYes
Vanderbilt UniversityYesYes
Vassar CollegeYesYes
Villanova UniversityYesYes
Virginia TechYesYes
Wake Forest UniversityYesYes
Washington and Lee UniversityNoYes
Washington State UniversityYesYes
Washington University in St LouisYesYes
Wellesley CollegeYesYes
Wesleyan CollegeYesYes
William & MaryYesYes
Williams CollegeYesYes
Yale UniversityYesYes

Final verdict

AP can be useful in your Academics in many ways. If you have taken an AP test, your best score of three or more can be used for sale for the report if your college demand if you have to lose a score that is one or two, you must not report it if you are getting AP classes your showing dedication towards study it shows you are using your schedule which is considered as a quality which might be considered in your admission to selection Institute. If the college includes AP scores in the grades, you can also earn some college credits through it.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. In the college you might have applied for admission does not demand AP scores in their application form. How can you include my AP scores and report to them? Is it mandatory to have AP scores in the application?

Ans: If they are not demanding your AP scores and you cannot include AP scores in the application. It might be that the course you opted for in the institute does not require AP scores, as different courses have different requirements.


2. Is it compulsory to give the AP test in High School to take admission to colleges? Do colleges look at AP scores?

Ans: AP scores are not compulsory in taking admission to colleges. They are just taken as a deciding factor that differentiates you from the different candidates. If you have given the AP test and your scores are also good, you can include them to strengthen your application. If you have a poor AP score, you must not self-report it. If you do not have an AP score, then simply skip the space for filling in AP scores.

3. What are the different AP awards given under the AP scholar program?

Ans: The list of programs

  1. AP Scholar – Granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams
  2. AP Scholar with Honor – Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams
  3. AP Scholar with Distinction – Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams
  4. AP International Diploma – Awarded to students who display exceptional achievement across various disciplines.
Do Colleges Look At AP Scores


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