NAPLAN examination is one such exam that parents do not want to ignore. There are many benefits that their child gets while giving this examination. Earlier it was not conducted at a more significant stage as not many people took an interest in it. But now, NAPLAN is among the most popular exams conducted worldwide for primary students. This examination is conducted for the students the ages 3, 5, 7, and 9 to ensure that their literacy and numeracy skills are developed at an early age. But most parents would be thinking about the right time to start the Preparation for NAPLAN.
They do not have any vision about the NAPLAN Preparation, which even makes them worried about their child’s results. If you are also worried about the same, you have landed at the right place. Here we will discuss the tips the parents should follow for their child’s preparation for the NAPLAN examination. But most parents do not even know about the benefits of the NAPLAN examination. There are many ways in which the NAPLAN examination benefits their child’s future learning. Let us have a detailed look at the benefits of the same.
Benefits of NAPLAN
There are numerous ways in which the NAPLAN examination benefits children. The first way in which it benefits is by informing the parents and teachers about the strengths and weaknesses of a particular child. There is a reason behind which this examination is conducted for 4 different ages. It helps the children to work upon their weaknesses and also improve their strengths so that they can build a better self for the future. That’s why parents focus more on their child when he or she is doing the NAPLAN Preparation year 3.
The year 3 examination tells them about the strengths and weaknesses which they would have to work on before appearing for the next NAPLAN examination. That’s the main reason why the children give this popular examination every two years. When the parents and teachers get an idea about the strengths and weaknesses of a particular child, they would be able to develop the same and assist them so that they can perform great for the next NAPLAN examination. The teachers work with every child to ensure that their next NAPLAN examination goes better than the previous ones.
It should be noted that the results of the NAPLAN examination are not as effective as the parents think they would be. As we discussed earlier, it tells us about the strengths and weaknesses of a child. All the children are different from one another. So, one would be good in one thing while the other performs well in another. That’s the reason why the NAPLAN examination is being conducted. Most of the results and improvements happen as the parents and teachers pay more attention to the NAPLAN Preparation year 5.
What’s the right time for your child’s NAPLAN Preparation?
This is the most common question occurring in the minds of all parents. It is always correct if you begin the exam preparation for your child around a month before the examination. First, the parents should begin with the warm-ups. The warm-ups here mean that they should go on with the basics of numeracy and literacy so that their child gets an idea of the things he would be asked in the examination. Along with that, the parents have to prepare some strategies regarding the preparation of their child for the examination. When this happens, their child would be able to perform best due to the NAPLAN Preparation year 7.
There are some things that parents should keep in their minds whenever they start preparing their children for the NAPLAN examination. These things would also ensure that their child performs their best and is in good health. Most parents overlook these things, due to which their child is not able to perform well in the NAPLAN examination. Here are some major things which the parents should keep in their mind.
Practice comes in as an essential element not only for the NAPLAN examination but also for all the other things. We all have heard the phrase which says that “practice makes a man perfect.” So, the more you would make your child practice for the examination, the better he or she would perform in the same way. But there is one major thing which the parents should keep in their mind – not to put pressure on them. Doing so for the NAPLAN examination will exhaust them and even can cause stress and anxiety at higher levels.
Owing to this reason, they might not even perform well in the exams. So, it is strongly recommended that the parents ensure that they make their child practice as much as he or she can. Too much of anything could be harmful, leading to serious health issues. The parents should ensure that their child gets sufficient practice for which he or she is capable. This would also be helpful to the child as they would be able to score their best for the NAPLAN examination.
Rest Intervals
The next thing that most parents do not pay much attention to is the rest Intervals. All of the students need some amount of rest to ensure that they are able to get back to their studies for the NAPLAN examination. Rest Intervals are way too important as they would be helping the child’s mind to be at a rest which helps to calm their mind.
During the rest time, the child should be away from the studies and should do something else. He or she should be doing something which gives peace to their mind, like watching cartoons, playing with friends, or going for a short nap. This, in turn, would be way too helpful for them to start studying again for the examination with the same level of enthusiasm.

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