Articles are a sort of determiners.
Determiners are words that decide or bring up or prompt a thing.
They are utilized as a prefix to a thing. Articles are additionally a type of modifiers as they likewise qualify a thing.
Article is a word utilized in English punctuation to determine the definiteness of a thing.
Articles generally noted issues that can manifest language proficiency.
Example of Articles:
- The house is six years old. (The use of ‘The’ before the noun- house we determine which house is described.)
- An apple a day keeps doctors away.
- (The place of the articles ‘An’ and ‘a’ point out to general apple and a doctor respectively. So, the articles escort to the noun.)
- There are 50 students in the class. (Her class is a countable noun and cannot be used without an article.)
Types of Articles in English Grammar
In light of the definiteness and over-simplification articles are normally arranged in two kinds:
Definite Articles:
We utilize the unequivocal article ‘The’ when we need to lead the peruser or audience to a particular thing. It says that the thing is positive, certain and accurate.
Instances of Definite Articles:
- The red bus left an hour ago. (Here, by utilizing ‘The’ before the red bus we are telling the perusers or audience members that we are alluding to one explicit transport which left an hour ago.)
- I saw the young lady yesterday (Here, despite the fact that young lady is a typical thing, the utilization of the word before it expresses that the sentence is being composed or said concerning one explicit young lady.)
Points to Remember while involving Articles in English Grammar
- ‘The‘ is utilized in estimating articulations starting with ‘by’.
- Example: Do you sell nuts by the kilos or by the handfuls?
- Articles convey the ‘explicitness’ of a thing. How broad or explicit a thing is, in a sentence.
- The placement of an article relies upon the vowel or the consonant sound of the initial alphabet of a word.
Definite Articles with Names
They are not used with proper nouns or names.
Example of Definite Articles with Names:
The Rowling wrote the Harry Potter. WRONG
Rowling wrote Harry Potter. – RIGHT
- The countries with names that include Kingdom, States, or Republic Example: The Republic of China.
- The countries with names as Plural Nouns
- Example:
- The West Indies, The Philippines.
- Geographical features. Example: The Mt. Abu, The Indian Ocean.
- Newspaper names. Example: The US Times.
- Well-known things, arts, building, hotels. Example: The Wall of China, The Mona Lisa.
- Organizations Example: The UNO, The Commonwealth Nations.
- Families: Example: The Oberoi’s, The Peterson’s.
Indefinite Articles:
Indefinite articles are contrast of definite articles.
The indefinite article ‘A’ or ‘An’ are used when we cite to a generic noun.
It tells that the noun is uncertain, general and indefinite.
An is placed for a noun starting with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or vowel sound, A is used for alphabets
called consonants.
Example of Indefinite Articles:
- A blue bus left an hour ago. (Hereby using ‘A’ before blue bus we wish to generalize the noun. There are many blue buses, one of which left an hour ago.)
- I saw a boy yesterday (Here it can be any boy. There is no specific one.)
- I have an encyclopedia. (Here encyclopedia starts with ‘e’, a vowel, hence we use An)
- The flight departs in an hour. (Here hour starts with ‘H’, it is pronounced as ‘our’ which has a vowel sound. Hence, we use An)
Rules for using Articles in English Grammar:
Based on usage of Articles
Rule 1:
Place ‘the’ preceding the plural and singular nouns, if specifying. Example:
- The dog is a pet.
- The dogs are taken care of.
In the above example irrespective of singular and plural, ‘dog’ and ‘dogs’ are special nouns being spoken about.
Rule 2:
Use ‘a/an’ for vague things. It doesn’t make any difference for this situation.
- A nation is about residents. (Any country, not explicit)
- An apple is beneficial to eat. (Any apple, any tone, red or green, not indicated)
Exemption With these words article ‘A/An’ is utilized at whatever point thing is given: Such/what/how + a/a +Noun Example:
- Such a
- Kid
- What a thought
- How a show is made
Rule 3:
‘A’ is placed before a consonant sound of the first letter of a word. Example: A girl, A school.
The words start with the initial consonant sounds of ‘g’, ‘SK’
Rule 4:
‘An’ is placed before a vowel sound of the initial letter of a word. Example: An hour, An ice cream.
Rule 5
Use ‘A’ as a vague article before
- a ton
- of amount.
Rule 6:
A/An is used in exclamations preceding a singular countable noun. Example:
- What an intelligent lot of Scientists!
- What a pretty cute girl!
Rule 8:
Definite article ‘the’ is used to mention the same subject introduced before.
Example: A man is a Scientist. The man is a artist.
Rule 9:
‘The’ is used when we speak about geographical and legendary objects.
- The Pacific Ocean has many resources in it.
- The map of the world is diversified.
- The sun is a star.
- The earth rotates and revolves.
Rule 10:
Article preceded by an adjective.
In few cases, an article modifies a noun that is also modified by an adjective.
The general word order is article + adjective + noun.
- Samara planned a big surprise for her best friend.
- I read an interesting blog yesterday.
Rule 11:
Usage of Articles with Pronouns.
Pronouns like his, my, our, its, her, their, and so forth, can assist with distinguishing whether you’re discussing explicit or vague things. So, you needn’t bother with a pronoun.
- Why are you reading the book? – WRONG
- Why are you reading his book – CORRECT
Zero Article Rule
Articles are not to be put all over.
There are sure principles where we place articles. Likewise, there are sure spots where we don’t utilize them. The exclusion of articles is otherwise called ‘The zero-article rule’. Assuming it is vital to realize that where they are utilized, it is additionally vital to know where they are not. In this way, how about we see the principles of ‘Oversight of articles’.
Rule 1:
Articles are generally not used with specific names, i.e., ‘Proper nouns’.
A Tom is a good boy. —WRONG
The Tom is a good boy. —WRONG
An Tom is a good boy. —WRONG
Tom is a good boy.—CORRECT (‘Tom’ is a proper noun)
Rule 2:
Articles are not to be used before places of education hubs, churches, mosques, services, and hospital or clinics, if they serve their primary purpose in the context.
Samara’s mother goes to church to pray.
Samara’s mother goes to the church to meet her friends.
Church is a place of worship not for meeting people, hence, no article is placed in the first example
Rule 3:
Articles are omitted before plural unspecific nouns.
Kids are innocent. (That means, all kids in this world, are innocent)
Teachers guide their students. (All teachers in this world guide their students)
Rule 4:
Articles are not to be preceding designations.
Example: The woman is an assistant professor in Oxford University. There are some particular idioms and phrases that takes an article “A”
- In a hurry
- In a dilemma
- In a rage
- In a mood
- In a temper
- At a loss

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