
Anthropogenic Changes
Anthropogenic means ‘changes in environment caused by people’. Those changes which are the result of human activities are known as anthropogenic changes.
They affect the ecosystem by habitat destruction. Industrialization, pollution, deforestation, urbanization, building dams, etc., are some of the examples of anthropogenic changes that affect the ecosystem.
Excess use of resources that are non-renewable (fossil fuels) causes great harm to the ecosystem.
Building Dams
To hold back the water, a structure is built across the stream or river, which is known as Dam. Although dams are beneficial, but the problems created by dams outweigh the benefits.
Many families have to leave their homes, a huge loss of farmland and forest occurs during the construction of dams. Release of greenhouse gases and loss of aquatic animals are also the big issues created by dams.

When an undeveloped area is converted into cities and towns, this process is known as urbanization. Commercialization and employment opportunities are some of the benefits of urbanization. But now, it is becoming a threat to the ecosystem.
Some negative impacts of urbanization on the ecosystem are:
- Overcrowding and slums due to rapid house construction
- Inadequate infrastructure
- Increase in crime and pollution
- Poor sanitation and housing conditions
- Poor nutrition
- Communicable diseases

Exploiting natural resources at a very higher rate for profitable uses is known as overexploitation. It can be divided into two types regarding animal resources, namely overfishing and overhunting.
Cod, tuna, and swordfish have been endangered due to overfishing. Passenger pigeons are prime examples of victims of overhunting.

Invasive Species
When an organism is introduced to a new environment and becomes overpopulated and harms that environment, it is called an invasive species. Fast growth, high dispersal ability, rapid reproduction, and tolerance of a wide range of environments are some of the properties of invasive species.
Human beings are also directly or indirectly responsible for the spread of invasive species in the following ways:
- By releasing them in the wild.
- By moving ships and boats from one water body to another.
- By planting decorative plants in their gardens.
Invasive plants and animals may also serve as vectors for certain diseases resulting in further problems for humans.

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