Diffusion in Solid, Liquid and Gases
Diffusion is the term derived from the Latin word ‘diffundere’ which means ‘to spread out’
Diffusion is the movement or the process where the particles spread from the higher concentration region to the lower concentration region. Sometimes it goes from lower concentration to higher concentration.

Diffusion is similar to osmosis.
Osmosis is the movement or diffusion of particles, like solvent particles, through a semi-permeable membrane from a high concentrated region to a low concentrated region to equalise the solute particles in both the sides.
Diffusion occurs for solids, liquids and gases. Diffusion is seen more in gases and less in solids.
Think, how does the smell spreads through the air. This is because of diffusion.
Now let’s learn how diffusion is seen in solids, liquids and gases.

Diffusion is the movement of particles from one region to another region to achieve a state of equilibrium.
Diffusion is one of the properties of matter which depends on the movement of particles.
The rate of diffusion increases upon increasing the temperature of diffusing substances.
Diffusion in solids:
- Diffusion in solids is very slow and its very rare to happen because the particles in it does not move freely within the substance.
Example: If we take a piece of chalk and write something on the board and leave it for few minutes without rubbing. After few minutes you can observe that it’s difficult to rub the board. This says that, particles of chalk are diffused into the the board.

Diffusion in liquids:
- Diffusion in liquids is slower than gases but faster than solids. This is because the particles in liquids move freely so it can diffuse easily.
- Diffusion will also depend on the movement of the particles in the substance.
- Take a blue ink bottle and a glass of water.
- Now add blue ink into the water.
- Now the colour of blue will be evenly distributed to the whole water on its own.
- This is due to the diffusion between the colour and water.

Diffusion in gases
- Diffusion in gases is faster than both liquids and solids, this is because the particles in the gases can move freely in all the directions of the substance.
- Rate of diffusion of gases depends on the density.
- Lighter gases diffuse more rapidly than heavy gases.
- Take an incense stick match box
- Now light the incense using the matchstick.
- The incense stick starts burning and slowly the fragrance from the sticks spread out in the surroundings.
- This is because the particles of the incense stick when burnt spread out in the air and get diffused.

- Diffusion is the term derived from the Latin word ‘diffundere’ which means ‘to
spread out.’ - Diffusion is the movement or the process where the particles spread from the
higher concentration to lower concentration. - Osmosis is a movement or diffusion of particles, like solvent particles, through a
semi-permeable membrane from a high concentrated region to a low concentrated
region to achieve equal concentration of the solute particles in both the sides. - Diffusion in solids is very slow, and it rarely happens.
- Diffusion in liquids is more than solids but less than gases.
- Diffusion in gases is faster than both liquids and solids.
- Diffusion will also depend on the movement of the particles in the substance.

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