Forms of Energy Production
- A motionless cricket wicket is destroyed when a fast-moving ball strikes it.
2. Similar to this, an object gains the ability to perform work when lifted to a specific height. You must have observed that an elevated hammer striking a nail resting on a piece of wood causes the nail to be driven into the wood.
In the above two instances, the objects get the ability to perform work in their own unique ways.
Energy refers to the capacity of an item to perform work.
Fortunately, the environment in which we live offers energy in a variety of forms.
Mechanical energy (potential energy plus kinetic energy), heat energy, chemical energy, electrical energy, and light energy are some of the several types.
Fuels are created from energy sources. Vehicles, machinery, and other industries all use fuels.
They help thermal power plants produce electricity.
There are two categories of energy resources: non-renewable and renewable.
Fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and oil are classified as non-renewable resources because, once consumed, they cannot be replenished naturally.
Fossil fuel: A natural fuel generated from dead plants or animals on the Earth millions of years ago, such as coal or oil.
Natural resources such as wind, water, solar, and geothermal are referred to as renewable resources since they are continuously present in nature and come from sources that regenerate them after use.
Resources that are Replenishable:
Sun – Solar energy is the power produced by sunshine.
The sun is the most valuable natural resource for all types of life on Earth.
Through photosynthesis, plants use solar energy to produce their own nourishment.
The wind is a crucial renewable resource that all living things need to survive.
Air is necessary for respiration, which involves taking in oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide in plants and animals.
Photosynthesis is the conversion of carbon dioxide and water into food by green plants using energy from sunshine.
Wind energy is the word used to describe energy produced by the wind.
Water – Life cannot exist without water. Water is used by humans for many purposes, including drinking, washing, cooking, and growing crops.
Water entering a river or being stored in a dam both serve as sources of hydroelectricity.
Hydro energy is power produced from flowing water, such as rivers.
Hydropower is one of the largest sources of renewable energy. Utilizing hydro energy is as simple as turning it into electrical energy.
An electric charge produces a particular type of energy known as electrical energy.
Biogas: The breakdown of plant and animal wastes, such as animal dung, in the presence of water with the aid of microbes results in the production of biogas, a type of fuel that is a mixture of gases including methane carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and other gases.
In rural areas, in particular, it is frequently used as fuel for gas stoves.
Examples of Non-renewable Resources
Fossil fuels are a non-renewable source of energy. It follows that they will eventually be completed, which explains why energy prices are increasing.
Coal, natural gas, and petroleum are the three types of fossil fuels.
Coal is used as a fuel to produce power in steam engines and as a fuel in manufacturing.
Compressed Natural Gas, also referred to as natural gas, is a great substitute for gasoline and diesel. It produces a lot of heat and burns quickly. It’s a top-notch hydrogen source.
Other names for petroleum include mineral oil and crude oil. This liquid mineral is used to make kerosene, cooking gas, diesel, and petrol. It is located deep inside the ground.
Nuclear Energy: This form of energy is produced by using naturally occurring radioactive materials.
Creating fuel rods for nuclear reactors is the main usage of uranium. When neutrons (neutral particles found in atoms) collide with fuel rods, heat is produced.
This turns water into steam, which powers turbines. It consequently produces power.
Why Are We Looking at Alternative Sources of Energy?
If fossil fuel consumption is not reduced, fossil fuels will keep running out. These energy sources have a finite amount of supply and will eventually run out.
There is a significant amount of fossil fuel consumption. A good energy source would be one that performs a lot of work per unit of mass or volume. As a result, switching to a different energy source is preferable.
How Can We Identify a Good Source of Energy?
The following requirements are met by a reliable source of energy:
It is cost-effective.
The energy source should be readily available and able to supply energy for a considerable amount of time.
It generates a lot of heat per unit of mass because the output energy exceeds the input energy.
It is simple to transport and store.
There is less smoke produced.
It performs a lot of labor per unit.

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