- An antecedents is the word that a pronoun refers to.
- In Latin, the word antecedents means “to go before”.
- It gets its name from the idea that a pronoun refers to something previously mentioned to the sentence.
- Example: “When you see the teacher, please tell her I’ll be ten minutes late to the assembly.”
- Teacher- Antecedent
Her- Pronoun
- The antecedent of a pronoun is a noun or noun phrase.
- Some times the pronoun might come before the antecedent.
- Examples: “When you see her, please tell the teacher I’ll be ten minutes late to the assembly.”
Teacher- Antecedent
- A phrase or clause between the subject and verb does not change the number of antecedent.
- A pronoun agrees with its antecedent in number, gender, and person.
- If the antecedent is singular, a singular pronoun is required.
- The plural antecedent requires a plural pronoun.
- Let’s see some singular antecedents that require singular pronouns:
- Anybody, Anyone, Each, Either, Everybody, Everyone, Neither, Nobody, One, Somebody, Someone
- Singular antecedents that require singular pronouns.
- Singular antecedents joined by or/nor to be a singular pronoun.
Example: John nor Dave could find his dress.
- Collective nouns may take either a singular or a plural pronoun, depending on the meaning of the sentences.
Example: The cast is having its picture taken.”
- Here the cast is considered to be one group. So, the singular pronoun is used.

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