Comparing Text
Comparison is one thing that works out easily for pretty much everyone: we are continually looking at things in our day-to-day routines. Whether contrasting individuals, spots, or things, comparing assist us in arriving at informed conclusions about our reality. Whenever you analyze two texts, you’re ready to take apart each and represent a more intensive contention than if you were talking about them independently.
Comparing Text meaning
Comparing Texts is a logical instance that analyses at least two texts and makes sense of both the similarities and differences between them. To get the full image of how two texts are comparative and additionally unique, you really want to thoroughly analyze them. You will analyze the manners in which the texts are something similar, and contrast — or feature the differences — the manners in which they are not something similar.
Comparing Text is one of a few expository examples — very much like circumstances and logical results. Explanatory examples assist with getting organized data to comprehend it better.
Text Comparison: What is there to analyze?
While contrasting two texts, you could be hoping to analyze absolutely everything about them. You could find ways that they are comparative or different with regards to content or style or both.
You could analyze two components of the texts – content or style.
Content is what’s going on with the text, and style is the way the text is composed.
Content could incorporate things, for example,
- Characters
- Topic
- Main Intention
- Information
- Style could incorporate things, for example,
- Tone
- Structure
- Viewpoint
- Word usage
The significance of text comparison
When requested to compare two texts, you’ll be expected to complete two things: read the texts and give your relative analysis — or, in other words, how you think that they are comparative as well as different. This will place you in the job of both reader and author (assuming you’re answering with an essay or short response).
Advantages of text comparison for the reader
The fundamental advantage of text correlation with you as the reader is that it will make you a more mindful reader. To find the similarities and differences, you will totally have to examine every text with a keen eye than if you are having a usual reading.
During the process of finding the general contrasts, you will acquire a superior comprehension of every text as well as of the bigger conversation subject. Additionally, you are probably going to lessen any disarray you have regarding the matter.
Advantages of comparing text for the writer
As you change gears and move into the place of the essayist (or speaker, in the event that it’s an oral task) for your examination, you’ll find there are much more advantages to the comparison work.
An analysis of your text comparing will give you a significantly more profound appreciation of the topic as you get ways of communicating those similarities and contrasts you recognized. It is one thing to see the likenesses, and one more is to explain them to another person, and it will just support your comprehension of the texts and the subject.
This will likewise reinforce your decisive reasoning abilities, particularly where you could need to dive into a few complex plans to unravel them for your readers. Text comparison examination can likewise assist with making theoretical thoughts more concrete.
Advantages of comparing texts for the readers
By furnishing your audience with your comparative discoveries, you’ll pass on the vast majority of your insight from setting up the analysis. You are probably going to enlighten a few unpretentious subtleties in the comparison that your audience might not have taken note.
Disadvantages of comparing texts
Despite the fact that there isn’t a lot to discuss with respect to the burdens of comparing text, it ought to be noticed that there is a possibility to get excessively profound into a text comparison and, as the well-known saying goes, “miss the wood for the trees.”
Basically, ensure you don’t fail to focus on the bigger image of every one of the texts you’re examining by being hyper-centred around the particulars that may or may contrast (or be comparable) among them.
When to utilize text comparison
You can utilize text comparison any time you want to think about two bits of writing for precision, quality, or some other attributes.
In cases where you will be explicitly asked to use text comparison, for example, in comparing essays, or on test questions that incorporate short responses and multiple choices. Comparing essays will directly request an examination of two things (for example texts, thoughts, themes, and so forth.).
Tips and devices for comparing text
Presently you may be considering how to approach a text comparison. The following are a couple of essential steps you can follow:
Text Comparison: Reading related texts clearly the first, and maybe generally significant, the venture is to peruse the texts referred to in the brief or question.
If you’re requested to peruse more modest segments from text, momentarily filter the two texts to get the fundamental thoughts contained in each and make notes as you read. Get back to every text a subsequent time and read somewhat more keenly, looking to affirm any of your underlying thoughts concerning how they could contrast.
If you’re under a time limitation, as in a test, be certain you’re mindful of how long you have time remaining. If you need to compose an essay or a short response, don’t invest an excess of energy reading the passage. Make your initial scan of the given text exceptionally short, searching for watchwords or expressions that you can use in your comparison.
On the off chance that you’re examining longer texts, for example, books or long articles, taking notes will be more significant. Assuming that you’re now acquainted with the texts, you could have a thought of what likenesses and contrasts to search for. Compose these down ahead of time and track down unambiguous sections to validate your comparison.
The main thing is to ensure you have a strong comprehension of the texts with the goal that your content will be precise and detailed.
- Comparing texts
Subsequent to reading the texts, you can begin to sort out a picture of how they compare. Whenever you’ve been given a particular quality or detail to look at, clearly set up for business there. If the task is more open-minded, counsel your notes, find spots where they are something very similar or unique, and make a list for each. This could be content subtleties (like dialogues or topic) or style subtleties (like genre or mood).
Here are instances of a particular prompt:
Read the poems ‘Caged Bird’ (1983) by Maya Angelou and ‘Hope’ is the Thing With Feathers’ (1891) by Emily Dickinson and compose an essay where you compare and contrast the two.
Caged birds By Maya Angelou
A free bird leaps
on the back of the wind
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wing
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.
But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.
The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.
The free bird thinks of another breeze
and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn
and he names the sky his own
But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.
The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.
Hope is the thing with feathers By Emily Dickinson
“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all –
And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard –
And sore must be the storm –
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm –
I’ve heard it in the chillest land –
And on the strangest Sea –
Yet – never – in Extremity,
It asked a crumb – of me.
Compose the differences and similarities you find between the two texts, particularly in the early planning phases of your contention.
- Text Comparison: Choosing a primary argument (if composing an essay)
This progression is principally applicable assuming that your task is to compose an article. Whenever you’ve assembled similar information, you can frame your argument. It will be a like thing, “Text A and text B are comparative (or divergent) in the accompanying ways… ”
Your primary contention — or thesis statement, for an article — ought to directly respond to the inquiry introduced in the prompt.
Definition: A thesis statement is a solitary explanation that makes a strong case, while likewise summing up the principal point(s) of an essay. It is normally found in the presentation and conclusion of an essay.
Be explicit while introducing your relative discoveries. Stay away from general explanations in correlation like, “Text A was superior to text B.”
- Text Comparison: Planning your thought
To really look at texts and point out similitudes and contrasts it is significant to utilize a realistic coordinator for effectively sorting out your viewpoints.
Probably the best strategies for effectively arranging your thoughts incorporate spider diagrams and tables.
Spider Diagrams
These are utilized for composing, contemplating, conceptualizing, and taking notes. They are likewise extremely helpful for rapidly recording contemplations and thoughts regarding a text you are examining. While writing a text, you might choose to utilize a spider diagram to rapidly record significant subtleties.
While writing two separate texts and recognizing the likenesses and contrasts, a student needs to make links between the points you have distinguished about every one of them.
Connecting should be possible in two ways. As a first choice, a student might choose to make two separate diagrams and connect the point among them and, as a subsequent choice, make one spider diagram showing every area you make about one text and verifying whether it’s valid for the other text as well.
Tables or Venn Diagrams
A table or Venn chart is more organized and calls for more time to make than spider diagrams. They are helpful for getting sorted out thoughts yet are not suggested in an assessment setting.
While utilizing a table, it is essential to recollect that when you have associations between the points, you want to pick the main ones.
- Text Comparison: Using quotes whenever the situation allows
At the point when it’s conceivable, make certain to incorporate quotes to help your cases. On the off chance that you’re arguing that two texts are not similar, give instances of how they are not similar. Direct quotes from the texts are the strongest help of your argument you can offer.
- Text correlation structure
If you’re composing a comparing essay, you have two choices for how to structure the body of your exposition. Neither of the two choices, they are just two different ways of moving toward the errand.
Choice 1: One text at a time
In this choice, you start with a presentation of the arguments and the texts in question. Then, make sense of the details and qualities of every text, one at a time.
- Presentation
- Section 1: Text A
- Section 2: Text B
- Section 3: Discussion of the examinations between text A/text B
- Conclusion
Choice 2: Side by side comparison of texts
In this choice, you start with the introduction to the arguments and the texts. Then you continue on to examine the ways the two texts are comparative, contrasting them one next to the other. Then, you could proceed to examine the manners in which the texts are different, differentiating them next to each other.
- Presentation
- Passage 1: All examinations (A/B)
- Passage 2: All differences (A/B)
- Conclusion
Notice that whichever choice you pick, you should incorporate a presentation and conclusion where you preferably incorporate a thesis statement that wraps up your argument with respect to the comparison of the texts.
As opposed to arguing aimlessly or alternating between contrasting the texts next to each other and each, in turn, these choices structure your text comparison such that your audience will actually want to comprehend your point without any problem.

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