Mood is the manner or mood in which the action indicated by the verb is expressed.
In English, we use three types of moods:
- Indicative Mood
- Imperative Mood
- Subjunctive Mood
Indicative Mood
The indicative mood is used:
1. To make a statement of fact, like:
- Roger goes to the gym every day.
- Tim writes illegibly.
- Mr. Taylor teaches me music.
- The kid is smart.
2. To ask a question, like:
- Are you alright?
- Did you call Jamie?
- Have you read the book?
The indicative mood can also be used to express a supposition that is assumed as a fact, like:
- If [=assuming as a fact that] I am to do this; it shall not make me look like a loser.
- If it snows, I shall go skiing, [Assuming as a fact that it will snow, etc.]
- If he is responsible for this, he deserves to be punished. [ Assuming as a fact that he is the owner, etc.]
Imperative Mood
The imperative mood is used to indicate;
1. A command, like:
- Stay there.
- Take out your notebooks.
- Come here.
2. An exhortation, like:
- Be honest.
- Take care of yourself.
- Try to do well.
3. An entreaty or prayer, like:
- Have mercy upon us.
- Give us this day our daily bread.
The verbs that appear in italics in each of these sentences is said to be in the imperative mood.
- The imperative mood should strictly be used only in the second person.
- The subject of a verb that is in the imperative mood (you) is usually omitted.
Subjunctive Mood
The subjunctive mood doesn’t exist as commonly as the other two. It scarcely exists in present-day English.
It exists as present subjunctive and past subjunctive.
The present subjunctive is used:
1. In certain traditional phrases, where it denotes a wish or hope, like:
- God bless you!
- Heaven help us!
- God save the King!
2. In formal English, a noun clause that is dependent on a verb and expresses a desire, intention, resolution, and so on, like:
- I recommend that the subscription be reduced to $5.
- It is advised that a ring road be built to reduce the traffic block.
The past subjunctive occurs:
1. After the verb wish, to express a situation which is contrary to fact or unreal, like:
- I wish I were a billionaire. (were is used for all persons in the subjunctive)
- I wish I knew the answer.
- I wish my mom were here.
2. After if, to indicate unreality or improbability in the present, like:
- If I were the head, I would fire him.
- If we started now, we would be in time.
3. After as if/ as though, to express improbability or unreality, like:
- He orders me as if he were in my house.
- He acts as though he were drunk.
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