- An expression is a gathering of words without both a subject and predicate.
- Phrases consolidate words into a bigger unit that can work as a sentence component.
Noun Phrase
- It is a group of two or more words that function together as a noun in a sentence.
- It consist of a noun and other words that modify the noun.
Noun + modifiers
- The boy hit the ball.
- It can function in a sentence as a subject, object, or complement.
Noun Phrase as a Subject.
- The girl took the dog for a walk.
Noun Phrase as an Object.
- She got a big gift for birthday.
Noun Phrase as a Prepositional Object.
- Lion lives in deep, dense forest.
The Formation of Noun Phrase
‘a/an’ (Indefinite Article) + Noun
‘a’ is used before a word begins with a consonant, or a vowel with a consonant sound.
- a man
- a boy
- a garden
The form ‘an’ is used before words begins with a vowel (a, i, u, e, o) or words beginning with a mute ‘h’.
- An apple
- An hour
- An orange
‘the’ [Definite Article] + Noun
We use “The” to both Singular and plural and all genders.
- The boy/the boys
- The man/the men
- The plants/ the plants
This/ these, that/ those (Demonstrative Adjective) +Noun.
This/that are used for singular nouns, these/ those are used for plural nouns.
- This beach was quite empty last year.
- That book
- those toys/these puppies
Possessive Adjective + Noun
Possessive adjectives refer to the possessor and not to the thing possessed, my, your, its, our, and their are possessive adjectives.
- my book
- his house
- your school
Numeral and noun
Cardinal numbers (adjectives and pronouns).
- two girls
Ordinal numbers (adjectives and pronouns).
- Second chance
- Third prize
Quantitative adjectives and noun
Intended to explain the number of things- some, any, much, many, a lot of, a little, few, etc.
- some biscuits (countable)
- any apple juice (uncountable)
Modifiers after Nouns include prepositional phrases, adjective clauses, participle phrases, and infinitives.
- lawyer with a crooked nose
- face red with embarrassment
- devil in disguise
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