A noun is a word that capacities as the name of a particular article or sets of items, like residing animals, places, activities, characteristics, realities, or thoughts.
A pronoun is a word that subs for a thing. Regular pronouns are he, she, it, or they; his, hers, theirs, and so on. These words can be utilized to supplant a thing so that it’s not rehashed once more.
For instance, rather than saying –
“Jim went to Jim’s home.”
We can say all things considered,
“Jim went to his home.”
Personal Pronoun
It is a pronoun that is related basically to a specific individual, in the linguistic sense.
While examining “individual” syntactically, the accompanying principles apply:
- First-individual, as in “I”
- Second-individual, as in “you”
- Third-individual, as in “It, he, she”
Individual pronouns give us the accompanying data:
- The individual – Who is talking?
- The number – Is the pronoun plural or solitary?
- The orientation – Is the pronoun ladylike, manly, or fix?
“He” is an illustration of an individual pronoun. He is the third individual (since he is the individual being spoken about), solitary, and mainly.
“We” is one more illustration of an individual pronoun. We are the primary individual (since we are talking collectively), plural, and fix.
In the accompanying models, individual pronouns are emphasized.
- You need to quit misleading me.
- We would cherish for you to go along with us.
- Come gander at my feline! He has moved to the highest point of that tree.
Subject Pronoun
A subject pronoun is actually a pronoun that replaces a thing as the subject of a sentence. Keep in mind, a sentence’s subject is the individual or thing that goes about as an action word.
Subject pronouns can be solitary or plural, and they can be masculine, feminine, or neutral.
The subject pronoun “it” can be utilized to allude to creatures of vague orientation, and utilizing the subject pronoun “it” to portray a child of obscure gender is likewise suitable.” “It” is additionally used to discuss the climate, temperature, or time.
- We gave them an early advantage in the race.
- You let Jerry know that his score was awesome; that cheered him up.
- She shed pounds by removing low-quality things.
- He drank water from a spring that ran right out of the mountainside.
Predicate Pronoun
It is ordinarily utilized as a syntactic item, either as the immediate or circuitous predicate of an action word or as the predicate of a relational word.
The seven fundamental pronouns take on various structures when utilized as predicate pronouns as opposed to as subject pronouns:
- I become Me
- You become You (this rule applies for singular and plural use)
- He becomes Him
- She becomes Her
- It becomes It
- We become Us
- They become Them
The subject will do the activity the action word portrays. The predicate is the thing or pronoun getting the activity. When the predicate isn’t a thing, it’s a predicate pronoun. Predicate pronouns can be solitary or plural, masculine, feminine, or neutral.
While alluding to the temperature, climate, time, a lifeless thing, or a kid or neuter, the fixed structure “it” can be utilized.
- Sam took her to work Monday.
- Will you please tell them to come inside?
- He told you a lie about where he was Saturday.
- Our grandparents gave us candy and our teeth are just fine

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