It resembles two punctuations together and is generally written in pairs (Like this: “” or like this:” “). The quote is utilized in written language to cite exact words from the spoken or written language.
Following is the list of the main uses:
To cite careful words from spoken or written language.
For instance:
- Buddha said, “Foster an enthusiasm for learning. Assuming you do, you won’t ever stop to develop.”
- She said, “Return home.”
- “This is another vehicle,” David described.
To show titles. The titles can be brief tales, sonnets, articles, sections, and so on.
For instance:
- My favorite poem by Robert Frost is “The Road Not Taken.”
- Did you read the article “Building Vocabulary”?
- The first section in the book is “The Tall Tree.”
To show that a word or expression is utilized curiously.
For instance:
- Her “farewell present” was a slammed door.
(It was not a farewell present.)
- She shared her “intelligence” with me.
(The writer thinks she let things know that were not really smart.)
- He could “see” my thoughts.
(The writer realizes the word see isn’t utilized this way precisely yet is attempting to show the thought.)
- You ought to “pay” her with your affection.
(The writer realizes the word pay isn’t utilized this way precisely yet is attempting to outline the thought.)
- He was “delighted” to read the news.
(He was not so delighted.)
To show that a word is utilized as a word, or that a letter is utilized as a letter.
For instance:
- Look into the word “generous” in the dictionary.
- “Face” comes from Latin.
- To get the past form, add “ed” after “walk.”
- She doesn’t get the word “overweight.”
Rules for the quotation mark:
- Quotes are generally utilized in pairs. In the event that you open a citation, you need to close it.
Wrong: “I’m studying to become an engineer, she said.
Right: “I’m studying to become an engineer,” she said.
Wrong: She performed in the play, “Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare.
Right: She performed in the play, “Romeo and Juliet,” by William Shakespeare.
- The period and comma can get inside or outside the quote, depending upon the accompanying variables.
In American English, periods and commas generally go inside the quotes, regardless of whether they appear to seem alright.
For instance:
- My brother enjoys reading “Twinkle.”
- “We should return home,” said Bob.
In British English, periods and commas that are not part of the cited sentence go outside of the quotes.
For instance:
- My brother enjoys reading “Twinkle”.
(The period isn’t essential for the title, so it heads outside.)
- “We should return home”, said Bob.
(The comma isn’t essential for the statement, so it heads outside.)
- She said, “I will get it done.”
(The period here is part of the quote since it heads inside.)
- The placement of question marks and interjection points with quotation marks follows reason.
- In the event that the punctuation mark has a place with the title or statement, it heads inside.
- In the event that the punctuation mark doesn’t have a place with the title or statement, then, at that point, it heads outside.
For instance:
- He said, “would you like to stay?”
- Did you watch “Avengers”?
- Joan shouted, “Quiet down!” She was upset.
- Melissa told me, “You are awesome”! I was so glad to hear that!
- Semicolons and colons generally go external to the quotes.
- Wrong: I love “The Harry Potter Series;” however, my favorite movie is Avengers.
Right: I love “The Harry Potter Series “; however, my favorite movie is Avengers.
- Wrong: These are classified as “tropical fruit:” bananas, coconuts, and pineapples.
Right: These are classified as “tropical fruit”: bananas, coconuts, and pineapples.
- Punctuation around cited discourse relies upon how it fits into the remaining of the text.
- In the event that a cited word or expression fits into the sentence immediately, then we don’t utilize commas.
For instance:
I read “The Lost Keys” when I want to laugh!
- You quite often need a comma following a form of to say. Place a comma directly later, then a space, then the quote.
A few forms of to say are: says, said, answered, yelled, asked, and exclaimed
For instance:
She said, “Keep your hands to yourself.”
He answered, “I left the keys in the vehicle.”
- Assuming the quote comes after an independent clause (a sentence that can be by itself), utilize a colon (:) before the cited sentence.
For instance:
My father’s favorite saying was from my grandma: “In the event that you have nothing ideal to say, express nothing at all.”
- At the point when a type of to express comes in the cited sentence, use commas on the two sides. The main comma will be inside the citations. The subsequent comma will be straightforwardly after the word said (or one more type of to say).
For instance:
“Your sibling,” my mother said, “needs you to be at his party.”
“My wedding is in about fourteen days,” she shouted, “and I am so excited!”
- While utilizing quotes in writing to show various speakers, make another paragraph for each difference in speaker.
For instance:
“If it’s not too much trouble, clean your room,” mother said.
I answered, “I would rather not clean my room.”
“Then you won’t go to the park today,” she told me.
“I guess I will clean up my room!” I exclaimed.
- Capitalize the initial letter of a quote if the quote is a finished sentence.
Wrong: When Bill returned home, he inquired, “who made this mess?”
Right: When Bill returned home, he inquired, “Who made this mess?”
Quotations inside quotations
American English utilizes single quotes within and double quotes outward.
For instance:
She said, “I read the section ‘The Tall Tree’ yesterday.”
British English differs in this, the double quotes are inside, and the single quotes are outside.
For instance:
She said, ‘I read the section “The Tall Tree” yesterday.’
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