Read the following sentences:
- They go for a walk every day in the morning. [A habitual action]
- Two plus two equals to four. [General truth]
- The Moon orbits the Earth. [Universal fact]
- Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. [Scientific fact]
- The Earth revolves around the Sun. [Universal truth]
Above sentences show habitual action, general truth or universal facts. The root verbs in sentences such as, go, equals, orbits, boils and revolves, are simple present verbs.
The simple present demonstrates a habitual action, an everyday activity or general truth.
Simple Present Tense
In English, it is one of several present tense forms.
It is used to describe habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed arrangements.
It’s a tense of a verb. A verb is a term that expresses activity. The ‘tense’ refers to the action’s duration. The ‘gift’ has arrived. It demonstrates how the past is linked to the present.
- He speaks three languages.
- She drinks coffee every morning.
- Every day we wake up at 7.00 AM.
In the simple present, most regular verbs use the root form, except in the third-person singular (which ends in -s).
- I speak.
- We speak.
- You speak.
- He speaks.
- She speaks.
- They speak.
The auxiliary ‘do/does’ are used to frame negative and interrogative sentences of simple present statements.
- He follows rules.
Negative: He does not follow rules.
Question: Does he follow rules?
- We eat mangoes.
Negative: We do not eat mangoes.
Question: Do we eat mangoes?

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