What is poetry if not song lyrics with no music? Is it possible to write something that rhymes? A jumble of analogies and abstract imagery that reads like a code that the reader must crack?
The answer to all the above questions is yes; but poetry also contains a lot more. Poetry is a diverse literary genre that includes anything from bawdy limericks to unforgettable song lyrics to heartfelt greeting card couplets. The lack of rules in poetry can make it difficult to define, but it is also one of the reasons why so many people like writing poetry.
Writing poetry doesn’t have to be intimidating— let us give it a shot at demystifying the process and go through the process step by step.
A poem is a one-of-a-kind piece of poetry.
Poems don’t have to rhyme; they don’t have to follow any certain format; and they don’t have to use any particular vocabulary or be about any particular subject. But here’s what they must do: employ figurative language to use words artistically. The form of a poem is just as vital as the function, if not more so.
Prose is written in the traditional sentence and paragraph pattern. Prose, while it comes in a range of forms and tones, closely resembles human speech patterns.
The Purpose of Poetry:
Poetry may communicate emotions and transmit ideas, but it can also do more. Poets use poetry to tell stories, impart lessons, and even express hidden messages. You’re listening to poetry when you listen to music with lyrics.
Keep your goal in mind when you’re creating poetry. Are you attempting to elicit emotion through your writing? Would you like to read your poem during an open mic night? To earn a good mark on your homework?
To answer these questions, we need to know how to write poetry in the first place. Let us take a look at how to write poetry.
A poem is not the same as a short story, an email, an essay, or any other form of writing. While each of these various types of writing necessitates a different method, they all have one thing in common: they are all written in prose.
Poetry isn’t the same as prose. That’s why it’s known as the “wildcard” of creative writing.
Going through the typical writing process can feel like suffocating inspiration when it comes to poetry. That isn’t to say you should sit down and scribble a poem and call it a day. When composing poetry, on the other hand, you may find that missing one or more phases of the typical writing process allows you to be more creative.
Of course, you may discover that following the writing process aids in the exploration and organization of your thoughts before you begin writing. The value of brainstorming first, then outlining, and then writing only after you’ve completed an outline differs from poet to poet and poem to poem. Inspiration can strike at any time, and the words suddenly start flowing out of your head and onto the page.
Here are some pointers to get you started on your next poem:
1. Decide What You Want to Write About:
Unless you’ve been asked to compose a poem about a certain topic, choosing a theme to write about is the first stage in creating a poem. Look around you for inspiration, whether it’s in nature, your town, current events, or the people you know. Make a list of how various things make you feel and what they cause you to consider.
When you’re trying to come up with a good topic for a poem, freewriting can come in handy. You can start your freewriting with a writing prompt or just scribble down a word (or a few) and see where your thoughts lead your pen in a stream-of-consciousness approach.
2. Determine the Best Format for Your Topic:
Your poem doesn’t have to follow any particular format, although picking one and sticking to it can be the best option. By deciding to write in a specific structure, such as a sonnet or a limerick, you limit your writing and drive yourself to find a way to artistically communicate your theme while adhering to the limits of that format.
3. Explore Words, Rhythm, and Rhymes:
Read previous poems in that format to provide yourself a pattern to follow if you’ve opted to compose your poem in a specific format. A certain rhythm or rhyme scheme can help your poetry stand out by highlighting themes and brilliant wordplay. For example, because the style feels like it has a built-in punchline, you might decide that a limerick is the most efficient technique to make your readers laugh at your satirical poem.
4. Enhance the Poetic Form with Literary Devices:
Poetry, like any other type of writing, benefits from literary devices. Insert allegory, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, imagery, and other literary devices into your poems to improve your poetry writing skills. This can be relatively simple in an unrhymed form like free verse, but more difficult in poetry forms with rigorous meter and rhyme scheme restrictions.
5. Write a Poem:
Now it’s time to put pen to paper! Allow yourself some undisturbed time to focus on composing the poetry, whether you’re using a pen and paper, tapping on your phone, or typing on a laptop.
Intend to fail if you expect to write something perfect on your first try. Instead, concentrate on getting your message across. Write what’s on your mind, even if your lines don’t properly rhyme or have too many or too few syllables to fit the structure you picked. The subject you’re communicating is more important than the precise words you use, and you can always go back and modify your poetry.
6. Edit What You’ve Written:
The next stage is to revise your poetry once you have a draft. It’s not necessary to leap straight from writing to editing; in fact, it’s ideal that you don’t sit down to edit straight-away. Allow yourself to relax. Return to your poetry with a critical eye after a day or two. That is, read it again, noting any places where you may strengthen a word, tighten your rhythm, increase the vividness of your imagery, or even remove words or stanzas that aren’t adding anything to the poem. When you do this, you may discover that the poetry would be stronger if it rhymed… or if it didn’t.
Reading your poetry aloud will help you edit it more successfully since you’ll hear the poem’s rhythm and be able to see any places where the rhythm isn’t quite right. This can help you rearrange words or even reorganize the poem entirely.
If you’re comfortable sharing your poetry, have someone else read it and give you suggestions on how you can make it better. You might even wish to join an online or offline writing club where you can workshop your poetry with other poets. Because your perspective is too near to the poetry, other people may often detect strengths and problems in your work that you might miss. A more detached viewpoint, as well as viewpoints from readers and writers from various backgrounds, might reveal previously unconsidered methods to improve your work.
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