Grade 4 English
Grade 4 English curriculum develops the child’s knowledge, understanding, and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing, and most importantly, creating continuing scope to expand upon spelling and understanding complex and multisyllabic words and will continue to explore how language is important in areas such as dialogue, linking ideas and for the intended audiences. The child will be able to navigate and read texts for specific purposes, monitoring meaning using strategies such as skimming, scanning. It helps to explore ways in which different ideas may be expressed or portrayed through language and imagery, and in turn, build their own ideas.
What you'll learn
- 1
Grammar: Sentences and types of sentences, adjectives and their usage, noun- number, gender, kinds of nouns, conventional order of adjectives, parts of speech, noun-verb agreement, punctuation, verb tenses
- 2
Vocabulary: Contextual meaning, affixes (prefixes and suffixes), homonyms, idioms, movement words, one word substitution, odd words
- 3
Reading: Authors purpose, recitation/elements of poetry, point of view, main idea, informational texts
- 4
Writing: Persuasive writing, diary writing, poster description, writing a script, picture description, recipe writing, friendly letters, newspaper article
Skills you'll learn
Identifying types of sentences and distinguishing them, analyzing the rules related to formation of plurals, identifying kinds of gender nouns, distinguishing the different kinds of noun, enchancing the skills of arranging the adjectives as per their conventional order in a sentence, analysing the rules of formation of plurals, identifying kinds of gender nouns, distinguishing the different kinds of noun, developing the idea that the words are catogorised based on their function in a sentence, writing sentences precisely using subject-verb agreement rules, differentiate and demonstrate an understanding of punctuation through correct usage and identifying when each punctuation mark is needed
Enchancing the skills to identify the meaning of words as per the context, understanding the formation of new words using prefixes and suffixes and identyfing the change in the meaning, proficiency in spelling homophones and near homophones
Identify the main idea, purpose and point of view of a text/story, listing all the elements of poetry, understanding of the story theme
Enchancing writing skills by using appropriate format, language, tone and register, acquire imaginative skills and techniques required for diary entry, developing creativity and interpretation through identifying the elements of poster description, using sequences of sentences and paragraphs that are linked smoothly to demonstrate skills of picture description